
New Year's Kiss: Human!Equius X Reader

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New Year's Kiss
Human!Equius X Reader

You played with your bow tie as you waited for class to begin. Today was the first day back from winter break, and you were one of the few people to have actually got to school early. The other early birds were either the nerds, or the kids that had nothing better to do.

You sighed and stared out the window gloomily. Only a few more days until New Year's, and you still hadn't managed to achieve your goal. At the beginning of the year you had promised yourself that you would have your first kiss this year.

While there had been a few opportunities, none of them had felt right. You didn't want your first kiss to be with just anybody, it had to be with someone you actually loved. A few people had mocked your goal, saying that you'd never fall in love without a kiss, but you weren't about to give up because of a few naysayers.

You sighed again, prompting the girl in front of you to turn around. "Something wrong, {Name}?" she asked.

You blushed a bit and shook your head. "Not really. Just thinking about how this year's already over and I haven't even done anything." you admitted.

The girl giggled softly. "I know that feeling. I was going to join orchestra this year. But I never got around to it." she admitted.

You groaned and banged your head against your desk. "At least you've had your first kiss. Heck, you're still dating your first kiss!" you growled.

The girl blushed furiously and glanced towards her boyfriend. "Well, I'm older than you, so of course I'm going to have a boyfriend!" she exclaimed.

"Lena's right. Besides, your standards are a bit on the high side, {Name}. I get the whole no kissing thing, but you've managed to reject everyone that's asked you out!" another girl chirped, slipping into her place at the desk next to you.

"Beth's got a point. I mean, how are you going to even get to the kissing stage if you turn everyone down?" Beth's twin brother demanded as he took his place on your other side.

You sighed. "I feel like I'm being surrounded." you grumbled.

A light laugh from behind you confirmed that you were boxed in by your supposed 'friends.' "Aw, cheer up {Name}! Mew'll find your prince someday. Zack's just sore about mew turning him down!" Nepeta chirped.

Oh no, it was the shipping queen herself. Zack sputtered at the accusation, but couldn't seem to bring himself to deny it. This sent Beth into a fit of hysterics, while Lena shot you a sympathetic glance.

You buried your face in your arms. "Guys, thanks for the advice, but could you just shut up? You're embarrassing me..." you mumbled.

The twins heaved dramatic sighs, but went along with your request. Lena was happy enough to go back to doodling in her notebook, but Nepeta...

"How 'bout I set mew up on a blind date!" she proposed.

You hissed in annoyance. "No way. You know what? I'll just stay single till college. Yeah, that's a good idea."

Nepeta pouted a bit, but didn't say anything after your rebuke. A moment later the teacher walked in, a clipboard held in her hands.

She smiled at the class before clearing her throat to get their attention. "Good morning everyone! I'm excited to say that we have a new transfer student joining us today!" she sang.

Whispers began sweeping through the classroom. Hadn't there been a transfer student just two months ago? It was weird to get two transfer students so close together, unless it was the beginning of the year.

The teacher raised her hands for silence before continuing. "Anyway, I'd like you all to be model students and good friends to him."

You rolled your eyes at the corny speech. Trust Ms. Paint to treat you all like grade schoolers. Ms. Paint beckoned towards someone in the hall.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Equius Zahhak." she chirped as the new student entered the room.

A chorus of gasps filled the room. You couldn't help but gasp yourself. Equius was a giant, towering over Ms. Paint by a good foot and a half. Not only was he tall, he was also ripped. He was wearing cracked shades, which hid his eyes, but his stern expression was enough to make you quiver. He definitely didn't look like a guy you'd want to mess with.

A startled squeak from behind you made you glance back. Nepeta had sunk lower in her seat and was attempting to pull her beanie over her face. Catching your confused look, she held a finger to her lips.

"I went to middle school with him. We were really good friends, but we haven't talked since then. Besides, we parted really embarrassingly." she explained in a whisper.

You nodded understandingly and turned back towards the new student, only to accidentally make eye contact with him. You could feel him glaring at you from behind his shades and your heart raced.

Apparently you weren't the only one that was nervous. Whispered rumors of Equius being in a gang were already spreading like wildfire. You kinda felt bad about this, but he did look like a gangster...

Ms. Paint cleared her throat impatiently and the room fell silent. "Now, since Equius is new here, I'd like a volunteer to show him around. You'll be excused from your classes for today. Just make sure he feels at home, alright?" she said.

You glanced around, before hesitantly raising your hand. Ms. Paint beamed at you and beckoned you over. You slowly obeyed, stopping a few feet from Equius. You were really only doing this to get out of dissecting the cat you were supposed to in biology, so you weren't exactly sure about getting too close to the tall boy.

"Alright you two, don't get lost!" Ms. Paint cheered as she ushered you out of the room.

You made eye contact with Nepeta for an instant before heading down the hall. She had looked a little worried, and a little... excited. That was never a good look. You sighed and tried to shake that thought from your head. Instead, you extended your hand to Equius.

"Hi, I'm {Full Name}. Nice to meet you." you said cheerily.

He gazed down at you, a small scowl twisting his lips. You bit your lip nervously. He didn't look all that friendly at the moment. After a tense few seconds, he gently shook your hand. It almost felt like he was straining himself to be gentle with you.

"The pleasure's mine." he stated.

You sighed in relief and smiled up at him. "Right, so what's your schedule? I can see how many classes we share and lead you to the ones we don't." you explained.

He frowned a little, but pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to you. You scanned the schedule, your eyes growing wide.

"Holy hell, we share everything except metal shop and robotics. That's pretty cool. Easy for me to remember. Come on, I'll show you around before lunch, then we can chill for the rest of the day!" you exclaimed.

You began happily heading off towards pre-calc. The idea of having another day off school was exciting, and you had almost forgotten that Equius was supposed to be scary. He was your free pass after all!

Equius followed you, slightly stunned. He had been sure that everyone in the class had been scared of him. It wasn't really surprising, since he was pretty intimidating. But hey, it wasn't his fault that his dad owned the largest security company in {Country}. He had been raised to be strong and frightening since birth.

After rushing to each class room and explaining the best route, you decided to show Equius your favorite places around the school. You still had an hour to lunch after all, and no one was allowed off campus until after lunch unless it was an emergency.

You pushed open the library doors and smiled. "Well, here's the library! I think it's the best school library ever. It's usually deserted at lunch, except for this girl and her boyfriend that like to eat in here. I mean, I think they eat in here. I've only walked in on them twice. But if you need a place to think, it's a great place." you rambled.

You were so caught up in your story you didn't notice Equius blushing at your lewd suggestions. You ran a hand over one of the shelves and sighed contentedly.

"I spent a lot of my first year at Skaia High here. I think I've read half the library." you admitted.

Equius blinked in surprise. "Really? I hope you'll pardon my bluntness, but you don't seem like the type of girl to hole herself up alone in a library." he stated.

You laughed. "I guess not. I used to be pretty anti-social before. You know how it is, new school, scary classmates, blah, blah." you quickly led him away, a bit embarrassed.

To your surprise, Equius nodded sadly. "I can understand that. Unfortunately, I'm not very good with social interactions for the most part. I tend to scare most people away anyway, so I haven't had much practice." he muttered, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.

You gaped at him in shock for a moment, before a giant grin enveloped your face. "Wow, you're nothing like I thought you were." you sang.

Equius raised an eyebrow. "Is that a good thin?" he questioned.

You giggled and took his hand. "Totally. At first I thought you were some sort of gangster. But you're actually pretty nice." you clarified.

Equius flushed a bright red when you took his hand. He wasn't used to having someone so friendly around him. The last person he'd met like this was Nepeta, and that was years ago. He unconsciously squeezed your hand. You flashed him a smile and squeezed back, making his already dark blush darker.

~~A Couple of Days Later~~

You read over the recipe for the tenth time and sighed. Making cookies for home ec. should not be this difficult. Around you, your designated 'team' had begun gossiping.

"So I heard that the reason that Zahhak kid transferred here was because he got expelled for fighting at his old school." Tess whispered.

Lena gasped and tugged your sleeve. "{Name}, you hear that? He's dangerous!" she hissed.

You sighed. "Come on guys, we don't even know if that's true. It's probably just a stupid rumor. Right, Aden?" you asked, turning to the only male on your team.

He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. From his expression, it looked like he agreed with you but didn't dare go against his girl friend.

You rolled your eyes and turned back to the recipe. "Come on, let's just finish this before we fail." you muttered.

Tess whined a bit. "But {Naaaame}, it's true! I heard it from Beth, who heard it from Mary, who heard it from her mom, who heard it from Mr. Hussie!" she claimed.

You snorted and shoved a bowl of dough into her hands. "Less yapping, more mixing." you instructed. You'd just have to investigate this claim yourself.

After school you sought out Equius. Luckily, he wasn't exactly hard to find, since he towered over most of the other students.

"Equius!" you shouted as you struggled against the sea of students.

He paused and glanced back at you in confusion. When he realized it was you who had called him, he easily parted the crowd to reach you. He hesitantly offered you his large hand, before leading you away from the school gates.

When you were finally far enough to hear each other without shouting, he dropped your hand, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"Well, what is it you want?" he asked gruffly.

You frowned slightly. "Jeez! Sorry to bother you! I just wanted to prove to my friends that the rumor of you being expelled from your old school was false!" you grumbled.

He sighed and looked away guiltily. "No, I wasn't exactly expelled..." he muttered.

Your eyes widened in shock and you gaped at him. Your stare made him deflate a little and he couldn't seem to face you.

"I was suspended for a rather nasty fight. Some of my classmates at the time decided that they needed to prove that they were stronger than I was. Well, they didn't succeed, however their leader's father, who is a lawyer, did succeed in getting me punished." His shoulder's slumped in defeat.

"I suppose it was easy to place the blame on me, since the other's had broken bones while all I had were a few bruises and cuts. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't want to alarm you." a bitter smile twisted his face, "I am a dangerous person after all."

You snapped out of your stupor and hesitantly took his hand. "Hey, sounds like they were asking for it to me. Honestly, I don't get why you didn't tell me sooner." you said.

He adjusted his shades nervously. "S-so, the admission that I have sent people to the hospital doesn't scare you?" he asked.

You shook your head and grinned. "Nah. You're my friend, there's no way I'd be scared of you. Besides, that means you're really strong right? That's pretty awesome! How much can you lift?" you squealed in an attempt to lighten the mood.

It apparently worked, since Equius started laughing. Then, without warning he picked you up and placed you on his shoulders. You squeaked in surprise and clung to his arms for support. He laughed again, his large shoulders shaking with the sound.

"Apparently I'm strong enough to lift a lot more than you." he teased.

You blushed and stuck your tongue out at the muscled boy beneath you. Your heart was racing, and you only hoped he couldn't here it.

"Jerk! I'm in a skirt!" you protested.

~~New Year's Eve!~~

You sighed as you exited your house. Your parent's were throwing a party, but you didn't really know anyone there, so you decided to go out for some air.

There was only half an hour until midnight, but you couldn't seem to get excited. The year was over and you still hadn't achieved your goal.

Well, at least you were closer to it, right?

You blushed at the thought. Despite the fact that you had only known him for a few days, you had actually fallen in love with the giant boy. You loved everything about him, from his blush to the fact that he'd hold your hand without protest.

You almost wished you were brave enough to confess to him.

Clearing your head with a shake, you realized that it was freezing. Deciding that you weren't quite ready to go back home yet, you headed towards a nearby cafe.

You entered with a sigh, enjoying the warmth and delicious smells. A bubbly waitress led you to a table, before skipping off with your drink order.

Your looked around lazily, your eyes finally resting on the door. You could faintly make out the shape of a person beyond the frosted glass, and you couldn't help but feel that the shape was vaguely familiar.

The door soon opened to reveal none other than Equius Zahhak. You jumped up and waved him over excitedly. He flushed lightly at your embarrassing greeting, but joined you anyway.

"Oh, hello {Name}. I was not expecting to run into you at this time." he said.

You shrugged a bit. "I didn't feel like staying home. What about you? What are you doing out so late?" you returned.

His blush darkened. "My father had a family over to celebrate New Year's, and he decided to attempt to set me up with the family's daughter. As you can imagine, I was greatly flustered and decided to spend some time on my own." he explained.

Your shoulders drooped slightly. "O-oh." was all you managed to say. You didn't know why you were acting like this. It was stupid, horribly immature, and pretty pointless. After all, it wasn't like he was dating her... or dating you.

Noticing your downcast expression, Equius leaned closer to you. "{Name}? Are you alright?" he asked.

You blushed a little, and tried to smile. "Yeah, totally! Just... thinking." you said.

Equius frowned. "Thinking about what?"

Your mind raced to come up with a believable lie. "I just, well, it was my goal to have my first kiss this year, but that didn't work out." Well, it wasn't a complete lie.

Equius bit his lip thoughtfully. He then slowly removed his sunglasses and placed them on the table. Locking his deep blue eyes with your {Color} ones, he hesitantly took your hand.

"Then, would it be alright... to achieve this goal with me?" he asked hoarsely.
Your mind went blank and your face went red. You nodded slowly, allowing Equius to gently cup your face. Slowly, Equius brushed his lips against yours. You kissed back, your lips molding to fit each other perfectly.

You were so lost in the kiss you didn't notice that the other cafe patrons had started counting down to midnight.

Your chaste kiss ended just before the clock struck midnight and a new year began.

You smiled and threw your arms around Equius's neck.

You had completed your goal. Today was a new year, with a new boyfriend, and a new goal.
Hello everyone! I felt bad for missing the other holidays since I've joined, so I brought you a New Year's present! It came out a lot longer than I had intended, but I still feel like it's missing something...

It takes place in the same universe as "Friends" and there's even a reference to that story in here! I hope you all enjoy and have a happy New Year!

Don't forget that my Giveaway ends in two hours! ascendingdecendant.deviantart.…

Friends: ascendingdecendant.deviantart.…
More than Friends: ascendingdecendant.deviantart.…

Homestuck + :iconequiuszahhakplz: (c) :iconandrewhussieplz:
Plotbunny + Mary (c) :iconascendingdecendant:
© 2014 - 2024 ascendingDecendant
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